Guide to use the bird nest brings the most nutritional value for health

Edible bird nest or the nest is the only food for the king before, is known as one of the eight delicacies topped the world. And indeed not "real unknown", the nest has rich nutritional values ​​bring great effects for the health of users. However, it is important to know how to use the nutrients as well as taste.

1. Use bird's nest right in the right dose

Bird's nest soup has high nutritional value, including more than 18 kinds of essential amino acids and 31 rare elements, including amino acids that the body can not synthesize. The product is used for many objects such as the elderly, young children, pregnant women, patients ...

For women: Threonine moisturizes the skin to form elastin and collagen, two compounds that have a positive effect on the skin and beauty of women such as acne, lightening and smoothing skin, reducing dark spots and preventing aging. In particular, in pregnant women, the nutrients of bird nest also reduce fatigue, stress and mineral supply to the fetus.

For children: bird nest are ingredients that help stimulate digestion should be very good for children who are malnourished, anorexia, slow growth. Salanganes'Nest also improves immunity, enhances resistance to infants, enhances memory and reduces learning disabilities for children who are on the test.

For the elderly and the sick: For the elderly and new people sick, poor resistance, the body to reduce bird nest work to improve health, improve cardiovascular function and blood pressure, improve respiratory system, reduce cough, mucus dissolution, increase appetite and support the digestive system. In addition, edible bird nest work to improve memory and liver problems, increase the ability to absorb calcium, anti-aging bone joints.

The use of bird's nest in high doses and frequency of dense, psychological anxiety anxiety swift bird effect is a mistake. When the body is not absorbed nutrients in the bird nest will cause waste. In addition, the use of bird nest in excess of easy to cause abdominal cold, diarrhea due to bird's nest welding.

2. Preservation and processing of Salanganes'Nest


Preserving the wrong way also cause loss of oat, even cause stomach pain, adversely affect the digestive. Raw noodles should be stored in a dry place, avoiding over-moldy areas or molded light (sunlight energy can break the structure and nutrient composition of the nest).

Dew drops should be drained in a covered container and kept in the refrigerator for about a week. For the convenience of enjoying, sisters can process large amounts of bird nest each time and split, refrigerate for one week.

If you want to months or a year, the nest after picking up the hair should be dried with a fan in about 14 hours. When the yarn is completely dry, place it in a sealed container or vacuum bag, place it away from sunlight. Bird's nest can not be eaten if the surface turns black, due to bacteria erosion or severe oxidation.


When processing swallow's nests should maintain a moderate temperature, not to boil above 100 degrees Celsius, distilled water, not directly cooked. Sisters can choose to buy Salanganes with distilled sugar, lotus seeds, red apples or honey depending on the processed food ... Although the distillation with any ingredient must be removed sugar to sweet bird nest and sweet smell. tanh. However, should not add sugar to alleviate the effect of Salanganes'Nest. Nest should only be used when warm, cool to lose the delicious.
